A Christ-centered, Catholic learning community
focused on a commitment of service,
academic excellence, and spiritual growth.
Education that sets
the Foundation

New Student Enrollment

Now Open

Fall 2024/25

We are accepting new family applications and enrollment for students for the forth coming academic year 2024-25, serving preschool to grade 5.




Every day is an open house at our school. If you want to see students engaged in learning and understand a day in the life of our students, contact our school office to schedule a private tour at your convenience. We can’t wait to see you.

Take A Tour

A Little Bit About Us

When you walk through our doors for the first time, you know you’re someplace special.

At St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, we are committed to our students, their families, and the community in which we live.

We look forward to having your family join us on this journey of faith and education.

What is different at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton?

God has made us all wonderfully unique, and we find great joy in celebrating and nurturing the uniqueness each child brings to our school.

We know that without love, all that we do is nothing but a resounding gong. From every staff person to each student, we encourage kindness to always come first.

Our staff and classes will help your child flourish educationally, socially, and spiritually.

Featured Classes

Meet our Principal, Kelly Vangsness

Greetings families! I’m Kelly, the Principal at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School. I am so grateful that I get to work at such a wonderful school, and I cannot wait to tell you all about it.

Every day that I am blessed to walk through these doors, I witness our staff and the students  living out their faith in real and tangible ways. That faith is displayed in classrooms that are led with kindness and compassion. Our staff and teachers have a strong commitment to making sure each child is seen and heard so they are given the best opportunity to learn and succeed. That care for your child from every staff member creates a learning environment that reflects the very heart of Christ

I hope you will schedule a visit to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. We would love to have you join us.

Connect with Ms. Vangsness

Some of Our Friendly Teachers

Jamie Hatlestad

Technology Integrationist

Kendra Moening


Hannah Salfer

2nd Grade

Jana Gulati


What Our Families Say